The Crowned and Conquering Child
July 25th - 27th, 2025 EV
Portland, Oregon
Join us in Portland, Oregon on July 25th - 27th, 2025 EV, for the fifteenth biennial National Ordo Templi Orientis Conference, otherwise known as NOTOCON! The theme for NOTOCON XV is The Crowned and Conquering Child which invokes powerful imagery and symbolism. The Child represents the essence of individuality, will, and divine potential, while the crown symbolizes the sovereignty and realization of one’s true self. The conference seeks to delve into various aspects of Thelemic practice, philosophy, and culture, while also considering the broader implications of these concepts in contemporary society. The theme of this year’s conference is an implicit call to contemplate magick and the Aeon of Horus in relation to the challenges and opportunities of modern life. We welcome a diversity of perspectives, believing that order emerges from chaos as we provide openings for the diverse energies in our lives and cultures.
Conference Updates
Travel Plans
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
NOTOCON XV, held in Portland, Oregon, on July 25th - 27th, 2025 EV.
Thinking about your travel plans?! We are working on finalizing the schedule for the website.
Some important travel tips:
If you attend Grande Lodge meetings arrive at least one day beforehand. Arriving early on Friday will give all our regular attendees time to catch registration hours before opening remarks that evening.
As for the departure date. If you can extend your stay a few days to see the city! Leaving Monday morning is the wisest choice as mass and closing remarks will be in the evening.
Things to do now!
Reminder! Before registering for the conference or applying to be a presenter, volunteer, or vendor, your U.S.G.L. dues must be current. For inactive Minervals wanting to participate in any capacity, you must take your next initiation to reactivate. If you are a first degree initiate or higher, please contact the Grand Treasurer General to reactivate.
Love is the law, love under will.
Soror Luz y
NOTOCON XV On-site Chair
Registration Open
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
NOTOCON XV Registration is open! You can visit the registration page for full details and a registration link. Hotel information is now available with a booking link on the hotel page.
Thank you all for your patience in this process!
NOTOCON XV, held in Portland, Oregon, on July 25th - 27th, 2025 EV.
Things to do now!
Reminder! Before registering for the conference or applying to be a presenter, volunteer, or vendor, your U.S.G.L. dues must be current. For inactive Minervals wanting to participate in any capacity, you must take your next initiation to reactivate. If you are a first degree initiate or higher, please contact the Grand Treasurer General to reactivate.
Love is the law, love under will.
Soror Luz y
NOTOCON XV On-site Chair
Registration Update
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
NOTOCON XV Registration is currently in the final stages before it will be released. Our team is working hard to get registration open as soon as possible. Thank you all for your patience in this process. Once we are ready an announcement will be sent inviting you all to register for NOTOCON XV, which will be held in Portland, Oregon, on July 25th - 27th, 2025 EV.
Things to do now!
Submit a presentation proposal.
Become a volunteer at the conference!
Apply for vending.
Reminder! Before registering for the conference or applying to be a presenter, volunteer, or vendor, your U.S.G.L. dues must be current. For inactive Minervals wanting to participate in any capacity, you must take your next initiation to reactivate. If you are a first degree initiate or higher, please contact the Grand Treasurer General to reactivate.
Love is the law, love under will.
Soror Luz y
NOTOCON XV On-site Chair
Save the Date Announcement
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Welcome to the official NOTOCON XV website! Today, I am pleased to announce that NOTOCON XV will be held in Portland, Oregon, on July 25th - 27th, 2025 EV.
Presentation proposals are being accepted.
The volunteer application is open now.
Vending information and applications are open now.
Conference registration opens February 2025.
Hotel room reservations open February 2025.
Before registering for the conference or applying to be a presenter, volunteer, or vendor, your U.S.G.L. dues must be current. For inactive Minervals wanting to participate in any capacity, you must take your next initiation to reactivate. If you are a first degree initiate or higher, please contact the Grand Treasurer General to reactivate.
Love is the law, love under will.
Soror Luz y
NOTOCON XV On-site Chair