Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Registration for NOTOCON XV will open on February 2025 EV.
Registration will cost $350 per active member of the O.T.O.
Registration includes an invitation to opening remarks and reception on Friday evening.
Saturday daytime presentations and workshops. Along with a formal banquet and plated dinner.
Sunday includes daytime presentations, workshops, and lunch. As well as a celebration of Liber XV, the Gnostic Mass, and closing remarks to conclude the conference.
Each O.T.O. member will have to register separately.
Non-member guests of our members including partners, spouses, or children may be added to the O.T.O. member's registration with an added charge selected if they wish to have a plated meal at the banquet.
Non-member guests of our members are invited to the Saturday night banquet and entertainment.
Presentations are only open to active members of O.T.O.
A Discord server will be dedicated to the event and will be available once your registration has been verified. Create a username by visiting the Discord Registration Page. Please provide your username during registration for access.
Families are welcome to be present. Our Thelemic Families Committee members will have a private Discord channel on our server for parents to communicate support during the event. However, no formal childcare will be in place.
Please read the following regarding storage of personal information and privacy disclaimers before submitting any forms for this event.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in Portland, Oregon!
Love is the law, love under will.